J.J. and I have done volunteer youth ministry at our church for our entire married life. We have enjoyed getting to know numerous students over the years. This month our youth event was held at High Rock Nursery's first-ever corn maze.
We accompanied about 25 students to youth night at the corn maze. It was a fun evening of venturing through the maize maze, which highlighted landmarks found right here in Davidson County. I'd never been to a corn maze before and had a great time out in the crisp autumn air.
There were numerous youth groups in attendance for a night of tromping through the corn, eating, fellowship and worship. There was a bonfire complete with s'mores, a hayride, a prasie band and a speaker.
Here are some of the children of the corn (you have to be at least my age to recall that scary movie). Thankfully, all the students and leaders found their way out alive.