Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year = A New Blog

Normally I don't make New Year's resolutions, but this year I did. I resolved to begin a blog. So, here I go. I have enjoyed reading the blogs of others over the past few years and thought there may be a few people who would like to keep up with the happenenings of our family. I am computer challenged, so this will be a work in progress. I plan to improve as the year goes on. My goal is to submit about two posts per week, on average. Join us when you can and read The Cullens Chronicle, a record of the history of J.J., Buffie, Hayden, Drake and Corinna, and our dog Latte.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am glad you are joining the blog revolution! I love having a blog, it let's me not feel guilty that I have not done scrapbooks for my kids... and it's amazing how quickly I forget what goes on in my everyday life. My blog allows me to look back over the years and see how God has blessed my family.

    I look forward to keeping up with the Cullens!
