Friday, May 13, 2011

The Post That Disappeared....

Ok, I know it's Friday afternoon and all and I've been teaching second graders all week and then coming home to an active family. But, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm losing it. One of my blog posts has disappeared. The one about our Mother's Day weekend camping adventure has vanished. I KNOW I posted and published it because my kids at school read it and commented on some of the pictures, namely the one of me reading my literacy circle novel. Is this some kind of Friday the 13th joke that blogger has instated?

Well, here's a mini-post to recap the fun we had. I don't have the time or energy for a do-over. I'm hanging out all night with a group of teenagers at church for goodness sake.

Here's where we went and it was perfect camping weather, unlike this weekend's forecast.

The ciacadas were sooooo loud that they sounded like an alarm. That caused me to do some research. I never in my life remember hearing them, or seeing them for that matter.

We had a great time and got home in time to make it to church.

I had a great Mother's Day.

So, to prove that I am NOT crazy, make a comment if you happened to read my post entitled Mother's Day Weekend. Come on, at least one other person must have seen it if my 2nd graders did. Did you listen to the children's choir singing a song to mothers? It's take way too long to download that again, but lovely it was.

And a Happy Friday the 13th to you, too!


  1. Hey! You aren't losing it... I see you other Mother's Day Camping post right below this one.

  2. Well, if I didn't see it yesterday, in plain view, then maybe I AM losing it after all! I promise it wasn't there....perhaps it's just my computer losing it.

  3. Hi Buffie,
    You aren't losing it. Blogger did a scheduled maintenance day which ended up being 2 days. Posts done after the date were deleted so they had to take a 3rd-4th day(and then some) to re-establish all the missing posts and comments. So it isn't you or your computer!!!
