Friday, July 16, 2010

Flashback Friday: Pre-K Field Day

I didn't get to attend Field Day at my childrens' school this year. But at South Lexington, where I was teaching Pre-K, Field Day was on the last day of school. It sure was hot, even early in the day.

tattoo tent

lining up for a game

panning for pennies

dress-up relay
David is decked out

duck duck goose with a twist (a wet sponge)


Girl power! But the boys didn't mind falling into the pool.

Pre-K Graduation practice

They sang Louis Armstrong's "It's A Wonderful World." I do think of these kids often. I hope they're having a good summer and that they are looking forward to attending Kindergarten come August. I know I'll see some of them again, as i plan to be a substitute teacher again next school year.

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