Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fast Fifteen

JJ and I celebrated 15 years of marriage last Thursday.  Where has the time gone?

Here we are on our wedding day, September 12, 1998.

The Lord has blessed us beyond measure.  After soccer practice we went for a late dinner.  We returned to the Gatlinburg area for our 5th and 10th anniversaries but were unable to do that this time.  We just had one weekend soccer game that we combined with a family camping trip.

The weather was nice and got cooler in the evenings so we sat out by the fire.

The kids missed camping with friends but we had a relaxing time. Got some biking in too.

Here is a pic from Corinna's game.  Her team played great and won 6-2.

I often get frustrated with our busy schedules during this phase of life.  Soccer practices and play practices take up many afternoons and evenings.  Then we factor in homework, school and church activities.  We are almost always on the go. Yet, the big picture is what the next fifteen years will hold: children driving, graduating, attending college, them entering the workforce, potentially getting married and having children of their own.  

In a blink on an eye we will be empty nesters trying to figure out how to live in retirement.




The next 15 years and beyond....

Our sovereign God has it all mapped out.  Our days were written in His book before one of them came to be.

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