Last night, Southwood Elementary School honored veterans in our community.

Jack Frank spoke about his experiences fighting for our freedom in WWII.

The Southwood Choir paid tribute to the veterans

by singing patriotic songs.

Some veterans stand to be recognized for serving our nation in the Armed Forces.

Hayden models his choir t-shirt.

The emblem of the land I love.....the home of the free and the brave.

Today I remember my grandfather, Perry Starnes, and J.J.'s grandfather, Grady Cullens, who both served in WWII. And I honor my uncle, Mark Crim, a retired Naval Officer, who served during Operation Desert Storm. I am so grateful to live in the United States of America. Thanks to all veterans for your uncompromising and faithful service to our country.
Below, Hayden sings a short solo and is joined by other choir members in "Free Like Me."
So awesome! Go Hayden!!